A menu of structural carbon fibre and spoked wheels fabricated by their various manufacturers.
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  • Mavic
    • Comete Piste - Ø 700 rear disc wheel for tubular tire. Weight : 980g.- Carbon walls laid up in asymmetrical segments. Lenticular shape. Adjustable sealed cartridge bearings. - $2599.00.

    • Io - Ø 700 front for tubular tire. Weight : 750g. (Ø 650 front = 700g.) Wheel made of an internal unidirectional carbon fiber structure for maximum stiffness and external woven carbon fiber form. Adjustable sealed cartridge hub bearings. - $3799.00.

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  • Campagnolo
    • Pista wheels - Front wheel: 20 aero spokes. Rear wheel: 24 aero spokes. 38 mm. deep vee aluminum rim (black anodized) laced to new small flange hubs. See picture below. Includes wheel bags. - $1097.50/pair.
    • Ghibli Ultra Pista - $3249.00
    • Campagnolo wheel bags - see the listing on our Track Components page.
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A note about disc and other structural carbon fibre wheels: For all their expense, structural composite wheels (from any manufacturer) are sometimes not as accurately constructed (laterally true and round, properly dished) as what might be obtained in a well-crafted spoked wheel. While I will certainly reject any wheel that falls outside of the manufacturer's tolerances for these parameters, some margin of error cannot be consistently eliminated. If you find this unacceptable, you should acquire the wheel locally where you can observe and measure its accuracy prior to purchase.

For custom lightweight and aero wheels built by me, click here.

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